Weekly Update w/c 2nd May

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This Week at Instabook

Hey everybody - happy Wednesday!  It's a short bank-holiday week for all our friends in the UK, National Small Business Week for our friends in the US and, well, hopefully just another awesome week for everybody else.

It's been an exciting week at Instabook.  On the platform front, we added or updated a couple features (see below), but most of our time has been spent building out a couple free new tools to support not only our Instabook partners, but the broader instructor/studio community as a whole.

- Update Existing Subscription Prices. When you change the price of an existing membership in Instabook, you can now choose to apply that change to (i) only new subscriptions made after that change or (ii) new and existing subscriptions. to that membership.  You can make this change on the Manage / Memberships tab when you edit the price of an existing membership.  Any change in price applies from each client's next billing date (not pro-rata).  Quick shout out to Annabelle from Pilates by Bel for the nudge we needed to fit this in last week.  

- Discount for X Months on Memberships. Some features/updates start as a whisper. This one was a roar. We asked the community last week if you all wanted the ability to make discounts on memberships that only apply for a certain amount of time and the result was an overwhelming "YES".  So, we added it.  You can set this up when you create a new promo code that applies to memberships.  Options are 1-12 months and forever.  If you're setting up a promo code where this doesn't apply, just leave it marked as "Not Relevant".  Of note, we had to set this up only as a number of months, which we know is less than ideal for weekly recurring memberships (sorry Aussies!), but for now our hands are tied on that. Thanks to Adam at Kin Active for the first request here and everybody else who chimed in to let us know how important it is.

- Free New Tools.  We're launching to Beta this week on a couple new free, non-platform tools designed to (i) support the broader instructor/studio community and (ii) make it easier and less expensive to launch and build a yoga, fitness or wellness business or brand.  For a sneak peek before we launch (and to share your thoughts on design/functionality), just give us a shout and let us know you'd like an early look.

- Recommendation Request.  We're looking for any designers, SEO specialists, social media managers and business coaches you've worked with and you think are amazing.  If you know any, we'd love to send a little more business their way by connecting instructors and studios with good people who can help them build their brands.

That's it from us for this week.  Wishing everybody a great week and sending around a special round of high fives to everyone for sharing so many helpful requests and suggestions - we're having a ton of fun making Instabook better with your help.

All the best,
Team Instabook

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