Here at Instabook HQ, we spent most of last week improving our new client onboarding flows, but we did manage to add a couple new video view reports for existing clients as well. We're also excited to share a Beta preview of our new WellFit Toolkit - a collection of useful tools and great partners available to help you grow your brand.
Hey everybody - happy Mental Health Week! This is a special week at Instabook because so many people in our community have dedicated their lives to making people healthier, happier, more vibrant and more grounded while raising awareness of the importance of mental health. It's a pleasure and an honor to support those efforts.
Loyal, committed clients and customers are the lifeblood of every yoga, pilates, barre and fitness business. This post will help you find them.
It's been an exciting week at Instabook. On the platform front, we added or updated a couple of features (see below), but most of our time has been spent building out a couple of free new tools to support not only our Instabook partners, but the broader instructor/studio community as a whole.
Whether you're a growing yoga studio or a pilates instructor building your own brand, marketing in our industry starts and ends with client retention. While there are flashier parts of your marketing funnel, none of them have a bigger impact on your business than building long-term relationships with happy, healthy, committed clients who also point other people your way.
This email is the second in our new series of weekly updates. We want to kick off by saying we were blown away by the positive response to our last email! Thank you all so much, it means a lot. This week will be a shorter update but we have two very exciting new features that are now LIVE on your admin site...
Whether on-demand videos are at the core of your business, a minor supplement to your live classes or somewhere in between, they’re an important part of reaching new clients and providing more value to the ones you already have.
This email kicks off our new series of weekly updates intended to (i) bring our growing community of instructors and studios closer together and (ii) keep everyone in the loop as Instabook adds helpful new features. New Features this week include Refer a Friend and Text Message Reminders!
The decision to invest in an online booking system can be a tough one and a worthwhile return on your investment is often not seen until a little bit later down the line - for smaller business’ in particular, this can feel risky. If you’re on the fence and need some help deciding if Instabook or another system is for you, have a quick read of how using a Booking System can grow your business at the same time as taking the stress out of your day to day:
If fitness, mental health and general wellbeing is your bag then you absolutely must check out these podcasts for inspiration, a giggle as well as some bloody good doses of education… bonus!
Staying motivated and inspired to move and eat a balanced diet doesn’t always come easy and it’s much easier for some than others. So, it got me thinking about what it is that helps me when I’m just not feeling it. I have put together my top 10 tips and if you’re in need, I really hope that some of them work for you too.
Should I spend the extra money on an online booking system or just keep taking my class bookings manually? I remember asking myself this question. Having taken all of my booking manually for a year, I started to ponder if there was an easier way to do things…